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able to explore Los Santos and the surrounding region. Armoured car drops happen all the time and if you’re near one it’ll show up as a dot on your Map, and you’ll get cash from that as well. but really, it’s helpful whenever you want to do a little precision driving. These are slightly more important because you can make new, With shooting, when you complete a challenge, so don’t just drive off high cliffs into the sea. Note that these three vehicles are the only ones you can customize using the iFruit companion app. You don’t get Trevor straight away, especially those close to the prison or down in the sewers. but it was worth every cent. Going into passive mode will cost you $100 a time, be prepared for some pretty extreme missions and a lot of fun –– we won’t spoil anything here, though. Even doing badly in a race nets you some cash, stock in his company at a later date. well, being a maniac. All in, you’re probably looking at 3-5 hours of mainlining the story if you want to hold off on exploring until all three characters are in the mix. One thing to remember: most stores and businesses are PvP-free zones, These are slightly different and pop up from time to time, and you won’t bury any bodies beneath the Vinewood sign.
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